When we recognize our human experience is a point of interconnection, we can heal, grow and learn to live in harmony internally and externally.

This is a space dedicated to self-development and healing

Meditation, Yoga, Massage, Plants of Power, Ancestral Earth Medicine, Spirituality, Psychology, Anthropology, and more.

What students say:

I felt as though we tapped into a timeless collective space and shared such peace and harmony, indescribable! Just what I needed and so healing. Incredible. -Caitlin N.

“Maria is an incredible human, she radiates kindness and is thoughtful in her teachings. Her guided meditations were great as well. I’d like to learn more from her” -Stacey

“Maria is a gem. Her experience is impressive and very genuine. Her teaching style is easy to follow and she keeps the course light with her humor and accepting environment.” -Caitlin O.

Practices to Expand Consciosuness

Breath, movement, awareness


Interested in working 1 on 1 with me? Select the coaching option below.

Plant Medicine &
Ancestral Wisdom

Integration and teachings from native elders of healing traditions

Hi, I’m Maria Farfan, M.A.

I am a dedicated student and teacher of ancestral healing practices and expanded states of consciousness. I have been on the path of holistic healing and therapies since 2002 at age 15 in Colombia, my home country. Since then, I have trained in different therapeutic modalities such as plant medicine, transpersonal psychology, indigenous shamanism in the Americas, Thai massage and Asian healing, Hatha and Kundalini yoga, and Andean energy medicine

I am a researcher of therapeutic uses of plant teachers in ceremonial contexts and hope to help bring to light the benefits of expanded states of consciousness in the awakening of self-awareness and higher wisdom. As an anthropologist, I work closely with the traditional indigenous healers and medicines in my home country Colombia as well as teachers in Peru and Thailand.

My passion is to share the tools that has been shared with me and to empower and accompany you on your self-discovery spiritual journey


Energy Anatomy


Learn the energy anatomy system used in traditional Andean Q'ero healing. Learn to connect with your own energy for self-healing and how to cultivate Sami energy for the benefit of the planet

Ancestral Massage


Learn supine, prone, seated, sideline and advanced postures in this course. This live class is taught as a weeklong Thai Massage retreat in Costa Rica twice a year.



Learn to move your energy with your breath. In this course you will learn various breathwork sequences and the energetic anatomy you can activate through breath. "You are very powerful, provided you know how powerful you are" -YB